Dividing wall with sliding door

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vwbus.no is a Norwegian bus forum. Here in this section we invite questions/comments in English so that people who are struggling with Norwegian can ask questions using English.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2021, 12:02

Dividing wall with sliding door

Post by Marley99 »

Is there anyone out there that removed his dividing wall from his green shielded transporter and replaced it by one with sliding door? I am looking at a t5 registered on green plates, dividing wall and 3 seats in the front. I would like to take the double seat out and replace it with a single seat and replace the dividing wall with one with a sliding door but can’t figure out whether rules and regulations allow this with or without hassle…. Any suggestions?
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Re: Dividing wall with sliding door

Post by Rudeboy »

Vehivle class varebil - offer green plates, one of the definitions of a vehicle to be in that vehicular class is that deviding wall.

How ever it may be possible to change vehicular class to say ordinary car, personbil, and get white plates. For a penny, I might add.

The local Trafikkstasjon of the Statens vegvesen may offer better advice on the subject. Exchanging the 2-seater to a 1 seater should be not that hard even on registration documents.

I know there are dividing walls with a sliding door in the middle of the wall for larger vans like Sprinter but those dividing walls are for placing behind the sliding doors around the middle of such cans and possibly hard to get in Norway. Yet nothing is impossible.
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